Wednesday, October 22, 2014

cloud embroidery

I'm feeling stitchy today. On a cloudy day like today, it has inspired me to embroider clouds with many face expressions. Found a treasure small size linen fabric scrap inside my craft box and then immediately I sketched on it.
I used outline stitch for face details, back stitch for the outline and french knot for filling the space. Last step, I think I 'll frame and hang it on my daughter's room.  

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

crochet collar

I used to be an impulse buyer. Bought many cute things on a craft store but then it's all ended inside my craft's box, overload, dusty and forgotten. Now, I always try to stay away from craft store if I don't have any crafty project plan. And always tend to optimized the usage of leftover materials. 
Just like this collar crochet project, I had this brown silky yarn for months and I want to get rid of it. I have no idea what should I do with it beside as a decorative string on a gift box xD. But then I tried to make children size collar and taadaa .... Feel so happy! Not because I could make a crochet collar, but its more because I didn't waste my yarn ^_^.

crochet hair elastic

Pinterest is one of my best sources for looking an ideas. Usually I pinning on late night before I fall asleep. One day  I stumbled upon with a collar crochet pattern on pinterest, then I simplified it into these scrunchies (ups...rookie level crocheter is here). Two pieces, one for me and the other is for my daughter because she wanted to wear it to school ;).